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What is Backlink?

What is Backlink and How Do Backlinks Work?

What is Backlink?

Also known as “inbound” or “inbound” links, backlinks are created when one website links to another website. For example, if a climbing site (website A) links to a blog post (website B) that compares the best hiking equipment, the hiking equipment website will get a vote of confidence or backlinks from the climbing site

What is the importance of backlinks?

Backlinks are very important for SEO because they signal to Google that other resources find your content valuable enough to link to it in their own content. When a website gets additional backlinks, search engines will infer that the website has valuable content and is worthy of ranking high on the SERP.

How Do Backlinks Work?

contextual backlinks

Backlinks play an important role in search engine algorithms, SEO and overall website development strategies. The easiest way to think of backlinks is to have a conversation between websites. For example, John is a blogger who wrote a very interesting article about sports events. Another blogger, Samantha, linked to John’s article when sharing John’s views. Since she wrote an article on the subject on her famous online magazine website, she created a backlink to John’s post. Because of the popularity of online magazines, many other sites will link back to her articles. This increased the authority of the online magazine, and John’s articles also gained valuable backlinks from well-known websites. Basically it is a win-win situation.

Types of Backlinks

types of follow backlink

The Nofollow tag tells search engines to ignore the link. They will not pass any value from one website to another. Therefore, they are generally not helpful in improving search ranking or visibility.

Dofollow links are the type of backlinks everyone wants. Remember, those sites from respected sites have the most value. This kind of backlinks can help you improve your search engine rankings.

However, some dofollow links are considered bad or “toxic”. These links are from suspicious sites or obtained by breaking the terms of service of search engines. This may cause Google to penalize your site or even de-index it. Remember, it has nothing to do with the number of backlinks, but with the quality of the rankings.

How to Get Backlinks?

It takes time and effort to establish backlinks to your website. You can start to build high-quality backlinks for your website through the following 7 simple methods.

–        Add a link to your website on social media profiles.

–        Search for posts that already rank well on Google, then improve and expand them.

–        Create list posts, “how to” posts, “why” posts, infographics or posts with embedded videos. These formats usually get more backlinks than standard posts.

–        Write the final guide. These posts are very long, contain thousands of words, and cover every angle of the topic.

–        Write guest posts on other blogs and websites

–        Contact influencers in your niche or industry and introduce them to articles you might want to link to on your website.

–        Interview influencers in your industry and send them links, no doubt they will link back to your site.

You can also start a competitive backlink research. To do this, you need to look at the backlinks of the top competitors.