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VPS Storage Type | SSD VPS vs HDD VPS

SSD VPS vs HDD VPS. When selecting a storage type for our VPS server we can consider SSD or HDD. But what is the difference between both of these storage types? In this article, we will discuss the difference between SSD and HDD storage types and which one should choose it.

Solid State Drive (SSD) VPS Server

SSDs can be considered as the advanced and upsized versions of the regular Pendrive. There are no moving parts in an SSD. Normally, a tropical SSD will use NAND-based flash memory which is a non-volatile type of memory. This feature makes it more secure even after the device is turned off. The chance of failure is approximately zero if did not consider the mechanical parts. Moreover, SSD is not affected by physical damage and shock. So this is able to reduce the risk of information loss.

Servers with SSD VPS storage will guarantee a faster write speed and read speed while using lower CPU power consumption. The only disadvantage of SSDs is that they occupy more space.

Hard Disk Drive (HDD) VPS Server

HDDs use rotating platter and magnetism to store data. The head floats above the spinning platter are used to read read and write data. So HDD speed to read or write data depend on the speed of platter spins. The performance of HDDs relies on multiple moving parts. Thus, the risk of losing data is increased by the chances of failure caused by physical damage and shock. Moreover, HDDs have speed limitations as they rely on a mechanical system.

HDD VPS servers are much cheaper than SSD VPS servers. It also costs lesser space compared to SSD VPS servers. Thus, it can be a user option to store big amounts of information at a lower price.


Overall, SSD VPS storage provides a better, stable, faster performance and is extremely energy-efficient. But if you opt to look for more storage space with less cost than HDD VPS storage will be your option. So it really depends on your need to select the desired VPS storage type. 

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