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Migrate your server

5 Tips to Help You Migrate Your Server


5 Tips to Migrate Your Server

Migration to servers can be stressful. Potential downtime and loss of data are risks you take when you transfer your server from one data center to another. As part of my support for your Linux server. I have been doing server migrations for over a decade and have built a few tips that I pass on to our clients so I thought I’d share these server migration tips with you too.

Pick the Right Server Provider

You need to move to somewhere before you switch your Web server. Take the opportunity to check your requirements regarding hosting. Your site may be more busy, and could benefit from a network of content delivery. Does your current company dedicated to servers provide one? If not, then the time to move to a new provider may be now.

Today, transferring a dedicated server between companies is as simple as moving within a company. Don’t let the fear of changing suppliers stop you from making the most of your extreme migration.

Size the New Server Correctly

Few people like about IT upgrade. So if you’re transferring your server, you want to make sure the issues get solved.

You’ll want to get the new server configured appropriately when you switch your server. You’ll also want to make any changes to the business requirements. For example, maybe your tolerance for downtime has decreased as your company has grown. So maybe while redundancy wasn’t important a few years ago, you might need it now.

You obviously can not explain your application to a sales representative and have them make a meaningful decision. To order to scale a server, the choices must be based on an analysis of your current environment. If you are unsure of how to do this, get someone to support you.

I consider business and technological needs too diverse for a one-size-fits-all solution, so do some research and make the most of your new dedicated server.

Plan for Downtime

Quick often server migrations require some downtime. While there will be zero downtime migrations in some server management firms, I find it odd that the value is actually zero. If you have an application that is powered by the database, collect blog comments, forum posts or other data generated by the user, you need to prepare for some downtime.

While there are strategies for minimizing downtime, you need to see if it’s worth it. For example, Casbay has a method to reduce downtime, even for more complicated migrations, to minutes. Nonetheless, this requires a great deal more time and effort on our side and the extra uptime may not justify the expense.

Ask how much down time you can expect when planning a relocation. Look at it from a revenue loss or an expense to your company. Be confident, once you have a number in mind, that your migration strategy will reach these goals for downtime.

Planning for down time with any server migration. When you keep your clients and staff updated about the case, they will (hopefully) be more forgiving of the interruptions in service.

Make a Plan

There is a need to schedule server migrations. If you haven’t previously moved a file, you may find it challenging to learn about all the issues that you face. There are many things to consider: data integrity, changes to the database, DNS, email accounts, IP problems, SSL certificates, changes to the software version, changes to the OS, changes to the control panel, changes to the root of the document and the list goes on.

I’ve seen a lot of migrations collapse because of a lack of planning. When you intend correctly, server migrations will proceed smoothly.

Get Server Migration Help

This is a bit of a self-serving plug but I can’t tell you how many users in a failed server migration have come to Casbay. If you don’t have a solid grasp of DNS, Apache, database and control panel hosting systems, I don’t recommend that you try to move a server yourself. Although you can manage day-to-day operations with ease, server migrations can require quick fixing of many issues. Experience pays off here.

Often, a good server management company will help you plan properly so all the work goes smoothly. We would know what glitches your particular migration can encounter if they do a lot of migrations and be ready to fix them.

In reality, getting help moving your server could save you time and money. Server migrations aren’t complicated, but you do benefit from experience.

Do not hesitate to contact our support team if you need any migration services.

migrate server
Migrate your server