Webmail / Redirection Issue

If you are facing a Webmail/redirection issue, do not worry. In this article, we will discuss and explain the issue.
The root cause of this issue is the account migration to the OX Webmail design from the interface design of Roundcube. For your information, we also call OX Webmail design “EE Lite”. IPXcess System provider has sent notifications about this migration on 29th October 2014.
If you have not received these notifications, you can refer to their content via this link LogicBoxes Mailer. When you login into your Webmail, it will display our old interface. However, it will direct you to our OX Webmail design after entering login credentials.
The reason why we are moving to the new EE lite Webmail is primarily due to Roundcube. Webmail is approaching the end of its lifecycle. However, there were a lot of bugs inside Roundcube, which are not possible to fix. With this new OX Webmail layout, clients get a lot of new features. These features include Calendars, Contacts, Social Integration (with Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
Please get back to us if you have any further concerns or queries about this change.