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My Service Is Strongbolt / Bulletproof , Why Was My Service Suspended?

My Service Is Strongbolt / Bulletproof, Why Was My Service Suspended?

Strongbolt/ Bulletproof domains and hosting immune to suspension or downtime are confusing most of us. Strongbolt/ Bulletproof services perform high-quality performances in protecting your identity. We all aim to follow the right protocol in observing and tracking any high warning activity on the domain or hosting services.

Furthermore, to safeguard your data from the global Web public and to safeguard your data in our booth which developed with the StrongBolt/ Bulletproof Option. However, in order to avoid any further complications, the complaints from the Local Legal Authorities are not made and are not taken lightly but promptly.

Moreover, if you think we suspended your domain or hosting to a null substance complaint, please open a ticket and direct it to our support team to assist you in coordinating. The case and disclosure of your service by the Registrar and/or the supplier.

After all, do you know about

What is "strongbolt"?

  • Strongbolt is a Linux Operating Systems installation application, written by James M. Coughlin. 
  • The Strongbolt Operating System is specifically for Cobalt RaQ Appliance Servers. Sun Microsystems discontinued the popular Cobalt server appliances in 2004. 
  • It provides a new and active operating system for these Server appliances.
  • Strongbolt OS is a CentOS and BlueQuartz Operating System installer for Cobalt RaQ and Cobalt Qube servers. The system installs similarly to the original Cobalt RaQ install disk. 
  • You can also install the new StrongBolt 2 release from a USB key directly in the USB port. 
  • Strongbolt has been out-of-active development for several years.

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