Microsoft Exchange Mail Size

Email support is a primary focus of I.T. services across the country. Email size in Microsoft’s Exchange server plays a vital role in the organization since it acts as an essential factor for bandwidth, storage limit, email queue, CPU utilization, and mailbox size.
Furthermore, the email message size value you are trying to configure should be 33% larger than the actual message sizes. For example, if you want to allow 30 M.B. Exchange mail size, then the message size parameter should be 43 M.B. value. This is because it uses Base64 encoding, which increases the message size to 33% of the real message size.
Specifically, the email size restriction for user mailbox will apply in the following order:
- Firstly, Global Transport configuration settings.
- Secondly, send connector size restriction.
- Thirdly, receive connector size restriction.
- Lastly, in the user mailbox properties of send and receive size limit.
I.T. services providers should note that you can also control this setting in the Exchange Server configuration file based upon the application.
- Exchange Web Service (EWS)
- Outlook Web Access (OWA)
- ActiveSync
Thumb Rule
If the upper order is more restrictive, then this will override the below order. For example, if the Global Transport setting sends receive size is 10 M.B., and the send connector size is 100MB. As a result, the user will not send more emails to more than 10 M.B. in size.
Now you have learned about Exchange Mail Size, the next articles that we recommend you to read: Exchange Server Documentation or How To Configure Exchange in POP